About GrammCrackers

About the Problem

About the Solution

About the Developer

Understanding the structure of language is critical to developing good communication skills. Despite this, grammar and punctuation are still taught in a way that makes it difficult for writers to remember their many rules, preventing clear and polished communication.

Most professional writing courses correct certain types of writing errors without helping writers improve their skills - much like patching a boat as holes appear, rather than repairing the boat so it won't develop holes in the future.

To build that "perfect boat" for improving writing, we need a better way to translate solid grammar skills into  real, practical editing skills so that anyone with any writing style can use them. We need to give writers concrete understanding they can use to express their ideas clearly and professionally.


For almost four decades, the GrammCrackers method of sentence analysis has been exactly such a tool. It has helped everyone from local students to Fortune 500 CEOs improve their communication skills while teaching them how to self improve over time.

GrammCrackers student workshops have helped thousands of students with a variety of learning styles and intellectual abilities improve their writing. It has also proven effective regardless of a student's cultural or socioeconomic background, and helps non-native English speakers to contend with the challenges of learning the English language.

Our GrammCrackers professional workshops have grown in popularity since 2005, when a local business owner needed a way to address writing problems that are common in the working world. After a successful first workshop, the program has expanded to numerous firms and companies. The success of these  demonstrates that GrammCrackers is effective for those already employed.

GrammCrackers is the brainchild of long-time educator Amy Hall, who developed the program to improve her students' writing. She still loves being in the classroom, and when she's not presenting writing workshops, she substitutes at public and private schools near her home.

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